Saturday, December 7, 2019

"Even The Strongest Girls Need A Break"

by Rania Naim

Even the strongest girls get tired of their responsibilities. They get tired of taking care of themselves all the time, they forget about appointments they’ve made and bills they have to pay. They get tired of the independent life they chose to live. They get tired of everyone’s expectations and the number of people counting on them. They get tired of it all but they can’t find the courage to ask for help because the world expects them to be fine without any help. The world expects them to overcome everything on their own.

Even the strongest girls need love. They don’t like loneliness, they don’t like rejection, they don’t like being the man and the woman in their own lives, they don’t like being their own hero. They always save their own day, lift themselves up, be their own best friend and sometimes their biggest fan but they want to remember what it’s like to have someone do that for them every once in a while. They miss the support and the comfort of having a man to lean on, a man by their side, a man reminding them that they don’t have to do everything alone. They get tired of the emotional labor they have to put in to lift themselves up — sometimes they just need a helping hand.

Even the strongest girls break down. When they’ve had enough, when they’ve been strong for too long and they just can’t do it anymore. When they can’t get out of bed because their hearts are heavy, when they can’t think clearly anymore because their minds are scattered and their thoughts are messed up. When they feel like everything they’ve ever worked for is falling apart and when they feel like their strength is often their curse, not their blessing.

Even the strongest girls need a break. They need someone to lead the way. They need to know that they don’t have to do this forever. They need life to slow down so they can recharge their batteries to keep going. They need to feel that it’s okay to be vulnerable and ask for help and admit that some things are more than they can handle. They need to feel like they’re human beings too, not just robots expected to always be fine and do things right and walk away and stay positive.

Even the strongest girls feel drained. From everything they have to do to keep that label and everything they have to do to continue living their best lives without people taking them for granted or walking all over them.

Even the strongest girls get tired of being so strong because it was never something they were born with, it was something they had to develop because of all the hardships they had to face and all the challenges they had to overcome and all the heartbreaks they had to endure.

Even the strongest girls miss who they used to be before the world taught them how to become someone else, before the world taught them the art of being alone because people always leave and before the world taught them that counting on others will always end up in disappointment.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Art of Letting Go

These couple of months has been pretty tough for me.

Last weekend was getting tougher, since we have to accept the fact that one of our cats is missing, Louie hasn't come home since Friday afternoon. This wasn't the first time though, he leaved once before, but return the next one and half day. But this time, it has been almost three days... until we finally decided to let him go.

Sunday evening before bed, a recommendation appears on my YouTube homepage, a video that I currently need (well not necessarily), but one of the comments underneath, freezes me for a moment:

"Let it go, if it comes back it's yours, but if it doesn't, then it never was."

It hits me right in my chest, even deeper, to my heart.
This early Monday morning around 7, after I had a hot shower in my office locker room (God that felt so good), I did my morning prayer. At the end of my prayer, I tell God that I let go. I surrender. I let Him decide what is best from now on.

Then, something magical happens...

By 10 am, a text coming from my brother, telling me that my Mom cried so loud it put my brother in shock he's afraid if something bad is happening to me, instead, she's crying of welcoming Louie, her favorite child. Louie came home just now.

I was like, holy shit. Is it really that fast? I mean, I let go just 3 hours ago, and now the quote I got last night "if it comes back" without me having to wait for days or months... Life is indeed so funny, isn't it?

Letting go is an art, it is something we need to learn and develop. We might fail, we might have a different way of doing it, sometimes we even might see it in a different perspective. Now I understand that even though letting go is hard, it is far from impossible. Once I did, whether it's succeeded or not, things will start changing and all answers seems to appear. At least, there is nothing to lose and I feel a lot better by letting things go, I can walk easier, think clearer, and smile wider, genuinely.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

"To Myself, Ten Years Ago"

by Lang Leav 

You won't believe what I see from this vantage point, the years stretching out before you like a long and winding road. I don't want to scare you, but there is a forest just up ahead. One so dense and dark, the sunlight won't reach you for awhile. You will wander lost, in this long, perilous night, not knowing if it will ever come to an end. But believe me, the light will find you again, and when it does, you will no longer be afraid of the dark. 

Stop to catch your breath. Soon, a jagged mountain will rise before you, so steep it will make you want to turn back around. Don't despair; the first foothold is always the most difficult and every inch you claim of that cold, hard precipice will only make you stronger. Before you know it, the ground will level out beneath you, and you will look back to see you had conquered what you once thought impossible. 

See that turn just up ahead? That's the place where love will meet you, with arms so warm it will melt away the winter in an instant. And then, it will be summer for a very long time.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

How ifs

I see a lot of people struggle with their insecurities and fears
Some of them are okay to say it out loud
But some others are like me
We are insecure and afraid to open up about our own insecurities and fears
We are afraid of rejection if we show the world that we are not what we want them to see.

I see a lot of people fight for their dreams and goals
Some of them believe that nothing is impossible if they work hard
But some others are like me
We are afraid of failure it makes us even more scared to start it in the first place.

I see a lot of people are excited to get married
Some of them could not wait to start a family, to have kids
But some others are like me
We are afraid of marriage
How if we would be too late for this?
How if we could not be a good partner?
How if we could not be a good parent?
How if we woke up someday by our husbands or wives and realize that we were not actually ready for this?
How if we fail?

I see a lot of people coping with goodbyes very well
Some of them moved on after losing their loved ones
But some others are like me
We are afraid of losing
We are passionate of being alone, but we are scared of being lonely
How if there would not be enough time
to say goodbye
to express our love
to hear their last breath
to apologize
to see their smile for the last time?

Thursday, February 7, 2019

I am

a woman in a red winter gown

a woman with a book in her hands

a woman who smiles under the cloud, the moon, and the stars

a woman with thoughts ravel in her mind

a woman with a soothing dream reaches above her

a woman looking for serenity under the rumble

a woman who sees beauty in all hearts.