Tuesday, January 7, 2020


People do, come an go. People do, change.

Sometimes, it is hard for me to absorb, how could things happen.
What makes people decide to do certain things.
What makes them change their minds.

They say, "people don't change", that's true. But in some cases, they do.
Not because they're parents or friends begged them to.
Not because of other people forced them to.
But ONLY because they wanted to.

I sometimes wish that I could read minds, that would be cool.
I don't have to ask them of what was happening when they're laughing, or crying.
I don't have to wonder if they're in the mood of having a conversation.
I don't have to wonder what topic should I discuss on a small talk,
or maybe I don't even have to have one, because I know what's in their thoughts already.
I don’t have to ask them how they feel about me.
I don't have to question them why they leave.

How could some people be straightforward to others?
That would be easier if I could act that way, to just let my heart out every time I need to.
But I don't think that's how I work.
I need to think before I speak,
or act.
I need, time. To digest. To think.

Some people might never intended to do or act a certain way.
No matter how bad or good it is.
Some people might be in a middle of an uncomfortable situation.
Some people might be working under pressure.
Some people might be struggling with things.
Some people might be having a hard time.
Only God knows.

We're human.
We interact.
We think.
We solve things.
We do small talk, whether we like it or not.
We struggle.
We pray.
We emphatize.

For me, that's what makes human, Human.

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